Quark Method Reference



The algorithm of find_previous_method

The find_previous_method method uses a DFS algorithm to collect all MethodObjects called by the parent_method and add them to the specified wrapper. The search starts from the base_method and goes on recursively until there are no more levels or all candidates have been processed.

1. Initialize an empty set "visited_methods" if it is not provided.
2. Get a set "method_set" using "self.apkinfo.upperfunc(base_method)".
3. Add "base_method" to the "visited_methods" set.
4. If "method_set" is not None then check if "parent_function" is in "method_set".
   - If yes, append "base_method" to "wrapper".
   - If no, then iterate through each item in "method_set".
        - If the item is in "visited_methods", skip it and continue to the next item.
        - If not, call "find_previous_method" again with the current item, "parent_function", "wrapper", and "visited_methods".

The code of find_previous_method

def find_previous_method(
    self, base_method, parent_function, wrapper, visited_methods=None
    Find the method under the parent function, based on base_method before to parent_function.
    This will append the method into wrapper.

    :param base_method: the base function which needs to be searched.
    :param parent_function: the top-level function which calls the basic function.
    :param wrapper: list is used to track each function.
    :param visited_methods: set with tested method.
    :return: None
    if visited_methods is None:
        visited_methods = set()

    method_set = self.apkinfo.upperfunc(base_method)

    if method_set is not None:

        if parent_function in method_set:
            for item in method_set:
                # prevent to test the tested methods.
                if item in visited_methods:
                    item, parent_function, wrapper, visited_methods


The algorithm of find_intersection

The find_intersection method takes in two sets, first_method_set and second_method_set, and finds their intersection using a recursive search algorithm.

Here is the process of find_intersection

1. Check that the input sets are not empty.
    If one of the sets is empty, raise a ValueError.

2. Use the & operator to find the intersection of the two sets.
    If the intersection is not empty, return the resulting set.

3. If the intersection is empty, call the method_recursive_search
    function with the input sets and a specified maximum depth.

4. The method_recursive_search function recursively searches for
    the intersection of the two input sets up to the specified depth
    by splitting the sets into subsets and comparing each subset's elements.
      - If the intersection is found, return the resulting set.
      - Otherwise, return None.

The code of find_intersection

def find_intersection(self, first_method_set, second_method_set, depth=1):
    Find the first_method_list ∩ second_method_list.
    [MethodAnalysis, MethodAnalysis,...]
    :param first_method_set: first list that contains each MethodAnalysis.
    :param second_method_set: second list that contains each MethodAnalysis.
    :param depth: maximum number of recursive search functions.
    :return: a set of first_method_list ∩ second_method_list or None.
    # Check both lists are not null
    if not first_method_set or not second_method_set:
        raise ValueError("Set is Null")
    # find ∩
    result = first_method_set & second_method_set
    if result:
        return result
        return self.method_recursive_search(
            depth, first_method_set, second_method_set


The algorithm of find_api_usage

find_api_usage searches for methods with method_name and descriptor_name, that belong to either the class_name or its subclass. It returns a list that contains matching methods.

Here is the process of find_api_usage.

1. Initialize an empty "method_list".
2. Search for an exact match of the method by its "class_name", "method_name", and "descriptor_name".
    - If found, return a list with the matching methods.
3. Create a list of potential methods with matching "method_name" and "descriptor_name".
4. Filter the list of potential methods to include only those with bytecodes.
5. Check if the class of each potential method is a subclass of the given "class_name".
    - If yes, add the method to "method_list".
6. Return "method_list".

Here is the flowchart of find_api_usage.


The code of find_api_usage

def find_api_usage(self, class_name, method_name, descriptor_name):
    method_list = []

    # Source method
    source_method = self.apkinfo.find_method(
        class_name, method_name, descriptor_name
    if source_method:
        return [source_method]

    # Potential Method
    potential_method_list = [
        for method in self.apkinfo.all_methods
        if method.name == method_name
        and method.descriptor == descriptor_name

    potential_method_list = [
        for method in potential_method_list
        if not next(self.apkinfo.get_method_bytecode(method), None)

    # Check if each method's class is a subclass of the given class
    for method in potential_method_list:
        current_class_set = {method.class_name}

        while current_class_set and not current_class_set.intersection(
            {class_name, "Ljava/lang/Object;"}
            next_class_set = set()
            for clazz in current_class_set:

            current_class_set = next_class_set

        if current_class_set:

    return method_list


The algorithm of _evaluate_method

The _evaluate_method method evaluates the execution of opcodes in the target method and returns a matrix representing the usage of each involved register. The method takes one parameter, method, which is the method to be evaluated.

Here is the process of _evaluate_method.

1. Create a PyEval object with the apkinfo attribute of the instance. PyEval is presumably
a class that handles the evaluation of opcodes.

2. Loop through the bytecode objects in the target method by calling the get_method_bytecode
method of the apkinfo attribute.

3. Extract the mnemonic (opcode), registers, and parameter from the bytecode_obj and create
an instruction list containing these elements.

4. Convert all elements of the instruction list to strings (in case there are MUTF8String objects).

5. Check if the opcode (the first element of instruction) is in the eval dictionary of the pyeval object.
    - If it is, call the corresponding function with the instruction as its argument.

6. Once the loop is finished, call the show_table method of the pyeval object to return the
matrix representing the usage of each involved register.

Here is the flowchart of _evaluate_method.


The code of _evaluate_method

def _evaluate_method(self, method) -> List[List[str]]:
    Evaluate the execution of the opcodes in the target method and return
     the usage of each involved register.
    :param method: Method to be evaluated
    :return: Matrix that holds the usage of the registers
    pyeval = PyEval(self.apkinfo)

    for bytecode_obj in self.apkinfo.get_method_bytecode(method):
        # ['new-instance', 'v4', Lcom/google/progress/SMSHelper;]
        instruction = [bytecode_obj.mnemonic]
        if bytecode_obj.registers is not None:
        if bytecode_obj.parameter is not None:

        # for the case of MUTF8String
        instruction = [str(x) for x in instruction]

        if instruction[0] in pyeval.eval.keys():

    return pyeval.show_table()


The algorithm of check_parameter_on_single_method

The check_parameter_on_single_method function checks whether two methods use the same parameter.

Here is the process of check_parameter_on_single_method.

1. Define a method named check_parameter_on_single_method, which takes 5 parameters:
    * self: a reference to the current object, indicating that this method is defined in a class
    * usage_table: a table for storing the usage of called functions
    * first_method: the first API or the method calling the first API
    * second_method: the second API or the method calling the second API
    * keyword_item_list: a list of keywords used to determine if the parameter meets specific conditions

2. Define a Boolean variable regex, which is set to False by default.

3. Obtain the patterns of first_method and second_method based on the given input, and store them in
first_method_pattern and second_method_pattern, respectively.

4. Define a generator matched_records. Use the filter function to filter register_usage_records to
include only those matched records used by both first_method and second_method.

5. Use a for loop to process the matched records one by one.

6. Call method check_parameter_values to check if the matched records contain keywords in keyword_item_list.
    - If True, add matched keywords to matched_keyword_list.
    - If False, leave matched_keyword_list empty.

7. Use yield to return the matched record and matched_keyword_list. This method is a generator that processes
data and returns results at the same time.

Here is the flowchart of check_parameter_on_single_method


The code of check_parameter_on_single_method

def check_parameter_on_single_method(
) -> Generator[Tuple[str, List[str]], None, None]:
    """Check the usage of the same parameter between two method.

    :param usage_table: the usage of the involved registers
    :param first_method: the first API or the method calling the first APIs
    :param second_method: the second API or the method calling the second
    :param keyword_item_list: keywords required to be present in the usage
     , defaults to None
    :param regex: treat the keywords as regular expressions, defaults to
    :yield: _description_
    first_method_pattern = PyEval.get_method_pattern(
        first_method.class_name, first_method.name, first_method.descriptor

    second_method_pattern = PyEval.get_method_pattern(

    register_usage_records = (
        for table in usage_table
        for val_obj in table
        for c_func in val_obj.called_by_func

    matched_records = filter(
        lambda r: first_method_pattern in r and second_method_pattern in r,

    for record in matched_records:
        if keyword_item_list and list(keyword_item_list):
            matched_keyword_list = self.check_parameter_values(
                (first_method_pattern, second_method_pattern),

            if matched_keyword_list:
                yield (record, matched_keyword_list)

            yield (record, None)