Installing Quark-Engine


$ pip3 install -U quark-engine

Install from Source:

$ git clone
$ cd quark-engine/
$ pipenv install --skip-lock
$ pipenv shell

Run the help cmd of quark:

$ quark --help

Once you see the following msg, then you’re all set:

Usage: quark [OPTIONS]

  Quark is an Obfuscation-Neglect Android Malware Scoring System

  -s, --summary TEXT              Show summary report. Optionally specify the
                                  name of a rule/label
  -d, --detail TEXT               Show detail report. Optionally specify the
                                  name of a rule/label
  -o, --output FILE               Output report in JSON
  -a, --apk FILE                  APK file  [required]
  -r, --rule PATH                 Rules directory  [default:
  -g, --graph                     Create call graph to call_graph_image
  -c, --classification            Show rules classification
  -t, --threshold [100|80|60|40|20]
                                  Set the lower limit of the confidence
  -i, --list [all|native|custom]  List classes, methods and descriptors
  -p, --permission                List Android permissions
  -l, --label [max|detailed]      Show report based on label of rules
  -C, --comparison                Behaviors comparison based on max confidence
                                  of rule labels
  --core-library [androguard|rizin]
                                  Specify the core library used to analyze an
  --multi-process INTEGER RANGE   Allow analyzing APK with N processes,
                                  where N doesn't exceeds the number of usable CPUs - 1
                                  to avoid memory exhaustion.
  --version                       Show the version and exit.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

To learn how to scan multiple samples in a directory, please have a look at Directory Scanning